With eBooks gaining popularity, there appears to be a trend of shorter style books called novellas entering the market. So what is causing this?

I attribute the change to several factors that I list below:

Without the overhead of printing books, there is much less cost involved in having a story available for sale. In addition, more and more authors are finding that more money can be made by posting the story themselves without the lengthy process of going through a publisher. Where an author would expect most of the income to go to all parties involved in getting the story published, he or she has the opportunity to post the story on their own, thus realizing a higher royalty. Because of this, an author has more flexibility in the cost of their story. With many people posting their own books for free or as low as .99 cents, authors are forced to sell their eBooks at lower prices. When books with 30,000 words (approximately 100 pages) are selling for the same price as full novels of 80,000 words or more, why wouldn’t an author move to writing novellas?


I attribute much of the success of the eReaders to the accessibility of new books and other writing. In addition, life has become so much faster paced, many people do not have the time to visit a bookstore and browse for a new book to read. People have become so accustomed to having what they need available to them at the moment they want it, the idea of having to drive to a store to buy a book is almost archaic. With an eReader, a book can be purchased and downloaded in a matter of seconds. This new breed of reader is more apt to buy a smaller book to enjoy in a sitting or two instead of having to expend more time and energy on a larger and more complex story. The average worker today is stressed with a poor economy, work that demands most of their energy, and hardships at home. The idea of a large novel that requires a lot of thought isn’t as appealing as it used to be whereas an enjoyable story that has a world where the reader can slip off to, away from the stresses of their world, is what they are craving.


Readers are not the only ones that benefit from the rise of the novella. Authors who embrace the movement will find that their novels can be split into multiple stories allowing for their work to be produced more quickly and as a result, income can be generated at a quicker pace then had the author wrote a full novel.

I’m sure there are those out there that are against the novella format. It certainly has its pros and cons. I choose to look at it more optimistically. I know my blog is a new blog and I’m sure I won’t get many responses yet, but I’d love to hear some different views on this. So what do you think? Is the novella good for the writing industry or is it bad? Are we going to see more of them or less?

In my last post, I wrote about how it helps for a new author to look for the positive message, if any, hidden in a rejection then to focus solely on the fact that their work had been rejected by an agent or publisher. The truth is though that it can get to be draining when all that seems to come of one’s hard work are negative responses. Not only through whomever work is submitted to but also through feedback from test readers. It is a never ending onslaught of different opinions, comments, and there is always that hidden thought that keeps getting pushed away that perhaps the story is not good enough. So what keeps a newbie author motivated?


No, but beer does help. There is one thing that helps me the most, much more then beer ever could. I know it won’t sound like rocket science, but if one is planning on getting their story out there, they will need support. Whether it is from friends or family it really doesn’t matter so long as there is someone to lean on.

When it all seems pointless, sometimes all that is needed is a nudge to help one to realize what they have accomplished so far and that they have done something many other people out there have tried and gave up or gave up before they even started.

Many successful writers give advice not to seek feedback from their families or friends. I think that’s a bunch of hogwash. Sure, they may be biased, but given what an author faces – especially a new and unpublished author, any ally to offer their support is a huge benefit. I know that without the support of my family and friends that I have shared my endeavor with have kept me going in the hard times. When I find myself at my wit’s end with it all and want to give up, they are there to give me the nudge I need.

I’m sure there are those that think they can “go it alone” and maybe they can. I for one am glad I have the support I have. So thank you to everyone that shares my dream of turning my story into a success.