Continuing with the topic for the characters in “Conduit: The Beginning”, next on the list is, Tim Eddins.

A bit cocky, handsome, and rich, Tim Eddins, is a wealthy and well known surgeon. Though he may come across as egotistical, Tim is ultimately a good human being who truly wants to help others.

When I thought about Tim as a character in “Conduit”, I wanted to show that even people we meet that we tend to write off for one reason or another because of some flaw that we see in their personality can turn out to be a good person.

Without Tim, little hope would be left for humankind. Because of his abilities and drive to help those in need of medical care, his actions will play an important role in the Conduit storyline.

Tim, unlike his friend, Dwight Zellar, holds a belief in God and solidifies his belief by the miracles that he sees from his own experiences in the medical field. If one wrote Tim off as a shallow human being, they would never see the deeper side of him. He loves life and has a longstanding argument with his friend about religion.

I never realized how hard this would be to write about all the characters in my story without giving everything away! I hope I haven’t said too much already.

Continuing the posts on the characters in “Conduit: The Beginning”, Adrianna is next on the list.

Beautiful, feisty, and an incredible shot with a gun, Adrianna, is not a woman to be pushed around. Though she may come across as short tempered, Adrianna is a person one would want around when times are tough.

Wife to Jack Connor, and like Jack, will not tolerate any sort of harm to those she loves. Having grown up in the country, Adrianna has learned how to get by through hard times and with little help.

Sometimes she may appear to be a cold person and slow to accept others, Adrianna loves with all her heart. Emotional and sometimes too quick to judge, people on the outside of her circle may write her off as mean and unyielding.

When the world is turned upside down and catastrophe strikes, Adrianna’s true colors show and she is shown for the beautiful and courageous person that she truly is.

I finally have taken the plunge and set up my account on Twitter.  It’s still amazing to me that I have successfully avoided the Twitter craze for as long as I have.  It also amazes me how ignorant I am to how it all works.

Setting up my profile was very easy to do with the hardest part being the process of deciding on a username that wasn’t already taken: JamesAlexander – No, James_Alexander – No (How many of me are out there?), Alexander_James – No, JAlexander – Of course not, I even tried James_Alexander1979 – No again.  At that point I banged my head against the keyboard, mashing all the keys and leaving strange indents in my forehead to get username laksdjfajofiwej and guess what?  If you guessed it wasn’t taken, you’re right.  But why would I want that for a username?

In the end, I wound up with JAlexander_2012.  I know – not extremely original, but better then laksdjfajofiwej.

With all that out of the way, I proceeded to upload my photo – which I had to resize multiple times to get Twitter to accept.  Proud, I leaned back in my chair admiring my handiwork.  And there it was.  The number 0 staring back at me for the number of tweets I have made.  I needed to take care of that immediately!  140 characters are all I need.  That should be easy!


OK, 140 characters and NO followers listed.  What do I tweet about?  I never realized I’d have that dilemma.  So I thought to myself, Really?  C’mon!  You can do this!


Finally, with no genius ideas coming to mind, I decided I’d do what I do when I write and hit a wall of self-doubt or a block – just write anything!  This is what my first tweet was (Get ready!  It’s amazing!):

“This is the first tweet of my life!”

Yes, lame.  I know.  But it did get the ball rolling – at least until my next tweet.  So there is my writing tip – buried in this post.  If you don’t know what to write or are in a block – write.  Who cares if it’s garbage?  It can always be edited later.  True, in my case, my first Twitter post will haunt me forever, but I’m proud of it.  First, I’m on Twitter, which I never thought I would be, second, I pushed past my First Twitter Post phobia, and third, I can’t post any worse of tweet than that.  So my only way is up from there.

I’d love some followers on Twitter where I will be posting news on my current work as well as cool things about my projects I have already completed.  Who knows – maybe someday I’ll post something witty!